I created concept art for a fictional town, Oakwood, set in a north american mountain region. The background story is, that a radio station that's been abandoned for years starts to give out cryptic, indecipherable broadcasts. The Oakwood town sheriff starts to investigate, and he soon has to defend himself against bandits and more mysterious threats.
My focus for the Oakwood radio station in the first image was on creating a sense desolation and eeriness, so this abandoned radio station would prompt a player to want to investigate what is inside further.
I utilized a combination of Unreal Engine, Blender, photobashing and overpainting in Photoshop for the environment concepts on this page. I built the key elements, like the radio station and the town hall in Blender, and used premade assets like the cars and barrels, as well as foliage. The characters were created in MetaHumans and posed in Unreal Engine.
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